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My first days in Kristiansand

Autorenbild: Christina M.K. Christina M.K.

Aktualisiert: 10. Sept. 2018

My new adventure: Erasmus in the south of Norway at the University of Agder.

Welcome to my blog post. In the following months I will write about my exchange semester in Kristiansand, a very nice city in the south of Norway.

That`s me in the botanical garden next to the University of Agder

I'm Christina from Germany and will work this semester as an Intern in the international Office of the University of Agder. You will find me and my college María from Spain every day from 9 to 3 in the Global Lounge.

My first week at the University of Agder

I arrived on Friday, the 10th of August and already met some other Erasmus students at the airport in Copenhagen because nearly everyone arrives the same day. The 10th of August we had the orientation-day so that we got the most important information. It was all very well structured. First, we had a big meeting with all the 279 Erasmus students and later, we had a tour around the University. Also, we had lunch together in the Buddy-groups. Every Buddy-group has a Buddy who knows the university and the region so if you have questions you can ask them. Everyone is very nice and it's so fun to get to know so many people in such a short time. Later, we had dinner all together in the cafeteria of the university but before that, I went for a walk next to the university.

There is a big forest with lakes and it's super beautiful. It's very relaxing and you can go there for a walk, go running or even swimming when the weather is nice. This region is called "Jegersberg" and it has become one of my favorite places here.

The next day we met the mayor of the city in the town hall and he presented the city and we got some gifts that are typical for this region. It was very interesting. Later, we had a tour with ESN to see the city center. We saw the church, the fish market, the opera, the harbor and they showed us some shops where we can buy cheap groceries. Also, we they showed us the aquarama swimming pool, the cinema and some places to party for example the clubs "Rederiet" and "Harveys". In the evening we went to a pre party at a terrace close to the river and later to Rederiet. The first parties are very important to get to know new people and get in contact with everyone. If you want to drink alcohol then I suggest to bring some to the pre party because in the club it will be very expensive. If you don't want to drink that much you can order water. It's always free here in Norway.

On Sunday we had a trip with all the international students to the "Jegersberg" and it was very nice weather so that me and some other students went swimming that day. The water was quite cold but still we enjoyed it very much because after the first seconds you get used to it.

On Monday I started working in the Global Lounge and we had the semester-start-festival at the university with a BBQ, pre party at the lake and later a big concert. It was so much fun to be there and although I've never listened to Norwegian music before, I really liked the singer who played at the festival I met lots of International students and also Norwegian students there. After the concert we went to "Stiften", the student house next to the university where the bands and choirs have there rehearsals during the week and use those rooms also for partying. At 12 o'clock it was my birthday and although before coming to Norway I was scared to be alone at my birthday in a foreign country it was exactly the opposite. I summary, I had a great party with lots of great people and lots of fun.

On Tuesday I worked again. I really like all my colleges because they are super nice, helpful and so welcoming. We had lunch together in the canteen and the food there is delicious. It's a bit more expensive than in my university in Germany but I love the salad-bar here and will come here every now and then or when I don't find the time to prepare my own food. Also, in the first two days there is a very big tent outside of the university where all the different student organisations present their selves and you can choose if you want to join one. I was pretty impressed by all the offers they had there. There are several sport teams, music groups and choirs. Also a student magazine and much more. I decided to join the gym and an orchestra. Later at that day there was a free concert of a Norwegian band in the student bar Ostsia where I went with some of my new friends.

The next days we had an information meeting for the Norwegian courses. For me it was sure that I wanted to learn the language. In general I love to learn new languages and it is a perfect opportunity to learn the language when you are in the country where it is spoken. Although it is not necessary to learn Norwegian because everyone speaks very good English, I think it is fun and shows interest in the culture. Also, they showed me and the other intern the top floor of the main building of the university from where you have a wonderful view over the campus and you see a part of the city center and the ocean. We also went to the student house "Stiften" in the evening to play beer pong and I cooked together with other exchange students and went for a walk again in the forest.

That was already my first week here in Norway. Time has passed so fast and it was so exciting. I experienced so much new stuff and got to know so many new people. It's so amazing to be here and I am looking forward to all the adventures that will come the next weeks.



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